So, while still in the infancy of Pendragon, we had well and truly developed the aesthetic, and the techniques, that fashionably catered to the fantasy crowd. Crafting shoes and boots for local street performers (Adrian wearing Windy Wizard boots and one of Nat’s Hats pictured), musicians and members of the local alternative scene. We were still regulars at Riverside markets but we also saw clients at home in Windsor (Brisbane). We started a catalogue around this time with the amazing art work by our friend Stephen Lee in Brisbane. The prices reflect the year of course….they’re a bit more expensive now! These four designs in the catalogue pages, Jester boots, Spindle boots (named after a spindly tree in our backyard and also our black cat), wizard shoes and of course the Smaug shoes were just a taste of the wide range of fantasy footwear we were making then.
The History of Pendragon year by year 1991
Jackie was in London, working and modelling Pendragon shoes and boots. She did weekly night classes at Cordwainers College in Hackney where she learnt traditional shoemaking techniques and got her first skiving knife….she still uses it today. Photos taken by Jackie’s landlord, photographer Feri Lukas.
Meanwhile, back in Australia, Elke and Adrian made their way back to Queensland and started Riverside markets again. Later that year, Jackie also came home. Pendragon was Brisbane based once again.
The History of Pendragon year by year 1990
Adrian faired pretty well at St Kilda markets and started wholesaling to a number of shops around Melbourne namely Ishka and Delightful Decadence. A journalist spotted him, and soon he adorned the pages of the Sun Herald magazine.
Jackie had made it to London by this stage and was working in restaurants and taking night classes in shoemaking at Cordwainers School in Hackney on her nights off.